Veterans Day
What is Veterans Day? Veterans
Day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War 1
(November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars.
What is the purpose of Veterans Day?
In the USA, Veterans Day annually falls on November 11. This day is the
anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I
hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918. Veterans are
thanked for their services to the United States on Veterans Day. Why is it
important to show honor on Veterans Day?
When is it? November 11
What are few ways to show honor and
respect on Veterans Day?
“thank you.” It’s a simple gesture, but a deeply meaningful one. If you
see a veteran in uniform out in public, simply step up and thank that person
for his or her service. Shake that person’s hand, look them in the eye and give
a sincere “thank you.”
a retirement home. Many veterans in retirement homes would be incredibly
happy if people took a moment to stop in and spend some time with them as
thanks for their service. Stop in at a retirement home near you, ask if there
are any veterans around and personally thank them. Take the time to ask them
about their service and genuinely listen to their stories.
This idea is
particularly powerful because many people in retirement homes struggle with
loneliness. A 15 minute visit not only shows veterans that you appreciate their
service, but also helps them enjoy a few moments of genuine human warmth and

They should always be remembered because they
fought for doing what was right to be in a better place and to have peace. In
return we should honor and respect them for them risking their lives for us.
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