Thursday, May 12, 2016

Snake on the Mountain

                        " You knew what i was when you picked me up."

        What happened in this video was that an Indian decided to go on top of the mountain. So he went climbing on to mountains rock after rock. As soon as he got to the top he was proud but then he heard something crying for help. He turned around and it was a Rattlesnake. The snake told the Indian that he was cold and hungry and that he needed to get to the bottom to survive. The Indian resisted but the snake was so persuading, so the Indian had said okay because the snake said he was going to be special and that he wasn't going to hurt him. As soon as they went down the mountain he put the snake down and all of a sudden the snake attacked the Indian and said " you knew what i was when you picked me up." and the snake just slithered away. This is trying to say that don't be easily fooled by someone or something because maybe deep down them they actually want to cause or do something bad.

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