Current Health- Related Event
Women with Migraine May Face Higher Threat Of Heart Disease

A current health related issue is women with migraines may face higher threat of heart disease, stroke. Migraines should be considered a marker for increased risk of cardiovascular disease at least in women. Men may be similarly affected. Migraines are headaches marked by intense throbbing or pulsing, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. For the study, researchers analyzed data on more than 116,000 U.S. women who took part in the Nurses' Health Study II. At the start of the study, the women were aged 25 to 42, free from heart disease and were followed from 1989 to 2011. 15% of the women had migraines, more than 1,300 women had a heart attack or stroke and 223 died from one of those conditions. About 39% women have a higher risk of getting a heart attack, 62% higher risk of getting a stroke and 73% higher risk of getting heart surgery. Dr, Rebecca Burch is an instructor and say that since it isnt known why there is apparent risk and what can be done to reduce it, Burch said her advice is not to make any changes to the treatment of people with migraine nut advising people to exercise and manage blood pressure.
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